New Program Monitor - Close

Having chosen to have PTFB Pro terminate a program when it is found to be running, you now need to tell PTFB Pro just how to carry out the close operation.

There are three options:

Request Quit

As the name suggests, this is the most polite method. It sends a message to the program's main window, telling it to close down. It's the preferred method, but not all programs will play fair, and a heavier handed approach may be required.

Forced Exit

This is the most heavy handed method. PTFB Pro dons its "Terminator" shades and bikers jacket and goes about its business with ruthless efficiency. Assuming the termination succeeds, the unfortunate program gets no chance to close down cleanly. Under certain circumstances this can make Windows unstable, and/or lose data entered in that session. Use with care, and please do not shutdown any processes that Windows depends on!

Use Cmd Line

If you wish, you can provide your own command line which will be used to terminate the target program. For example, you could use the extra functionality in a tool such as PSKILL to close the program in a specific way, or in the case of a service, you could request a controlled shutdown using the "net stop XXXX" command.

The command line you provide may contain the special parameter {{ProcID}}. When PTFB Pro executes the command line, it automatically substitutes the process ID of the target program in place of the {{ProcID}} variable. Note that this variable is case sensitive - must have a capitalized 'P' and 'ID'.

You can also instruct PTFB Pro to execute the command line as though you'd entered it into a command console (formerly known as a DOS box). To do this, just tick the "Run from command console" checkbox.

Program Monitor Macros - Overview